What’s Your Deal, Kate Hollis?
Conversion copywriter to thought leaders and status quo challengers of the online business world.
It’s a pretty good deal, actually.

Hey, I’m Kate!
I'm going to skip the formal professional bio, because let's be real -- I'm too much of a goofball to have a profile written in the third person.
… I save that for when I’m impersonating The Hulk.
(Kate write. Kate SMASH!)
For real, though, the only things I’m smashing on the regular these days are breakfast sandwiches and copy projects for my brilliant clients.
I won’t say that I’m anti-niche – because nerding out about quizzes and email segmentation is my thang – but I’ve never really resonated with the whole “Ideal customer avatar” concept.
I won’t say that I’m anti-niche – because nerding out about quizzes and email segmentation is my thang – but I’ve never really resonated with the whole “Ideal customer avatar” concept.

My Background
While I hope you choose to hire me because you think I’m an awesome human with an awesome-er website, you of course want to make sure your copywriter has the chops.
Check out my LinkedIn for my full work history, but here’s the CliffNotes version – including how I draw from each experience in my current work.
I’ve always followed my curiosity, and took the scenic route through my career. All my experiences along that non-linear path inform my unique approach to copywriting.
More about my experience...
- Certified professional writer and copy editor ➡️Technical skillz
- Public historian ➡️Appreciation for context
- Start-up marketer ➡️ Adaptability
- Wine sales clerk ➡️Direct sales experience
- Grad student in rhetoric, composition, and critical theory ➡️Big picture thinking
- HR business partner ➡️Business savvy
- Leadership coach and corporate trainer ➡️ Deep understanding of human behavior and motivation
- Front-line worker at a busy public library ➡️A love of books, words, and community
- Board Member for an Enneagram association ➡️Personality expert and spiritual seeker

At the end of the day, I’m a gal who knows who she is and reads A LOT of books – and with an open mind and open heart have learned a lot about people from all walks of life. (And a lot of other stuff, too.)
And I want to put it all to work for YOU. What do you say? We doin' this?
Kate in 8 (Questions)

Celeb I’d cast to play me in the movie of my life?
Tina Fey. So I can pretend I’m as cool as she is.
Book I could read over and over again?
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune. It’s like a hug in book form.
Someday I will:
Raise ducks in my backyard, and name them after Avengers characters.
Can’t get enough of…
Trees. They’re my people.
Tunes playing in my car on the regular:
Folk Tunes. I’m slowly turning into my dad.
I’d be really good at …
Inventing flavor combos for fancy donuts.
Bucket list trip:
A grand tour of all the U.S. National Parks
Best thing I’ve ever done for myself:
Studying the Enneagram
Personality Stuffs (if you’re into that sort of thing)
Enneagram 4w5 • Myers-Briggs INFJ • Human Design: Generator with Splenic Authority
• Clifton Strengths Top 5: Input, Individualization, Strategic, Intellect, Empathy
Brand Values

All the learning, forever and ever.
Where empathy meets action.
Don’t call people out. Call them in.
You do you. The world is better for it.